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Your Zestimate is (Probably) Wrong

Brian Burke
Jul 11 5 minutes read

If you're a homeowner, you've probably checked your home's Zestimate on Zillow at some point. 

While it's tempting to take this number at face value, the reality is that Zillow's automated valuation model (AVM) can be significantly off the mark. Here's why you should be cautious about relying on Zestimates and why consulting a real estate expert for a current home valuation is crucial.

Zillow's own data reveals the limitations of their estimates.

  • For on-market homes, the median error rate is 2.4%, while for off-market homes, it jumps to 7.74% (Zillow). 

This means that for a home valued at $300,000, the Zestimate could be off by anywhere from $7,200 to $23,220.

That's a significant discrepancy that could impact your financial decisions. The inaccuracy of Zestimates becomes even more apparent when you consider that Zillow abandoned its home-buying program due in part to the unreliability of its own algorithms (New York Times). This move speaks volumes about the limitations of their automated valuation system.

Why are Zestimates often inaccurate?

There are several reasons:

  1. Outdated or incorrect data: Zillow relies on public records, which may not reflect recent home improvements or changes in the property

  2. Lack of human insight: AVMs can't account for the nuances that a real estate professional would notice during an in-person evaluation

  3. Market volatility: In rapidly changing markets, automated systems struggle to keep up with real-time trends

  4. Unique property features: Zestimates may not accurately value special features or upgrades that set your home apart

Would an extra $50,000 change anything for you?

While Zillow claims that their estimates are within 10% of the final sale price for on-market homes 95% of the time in major markets, this still leaves room for significant error.

A 10% difference on a $500,000 home is $50,000—hardly a negligible amount. How much does $50k improve your downpayment on your next home? How much would it reduce your monthly payment?

Don’t miss out on this extra cash. Getting a current home valuation from a real estate expert is your best bet, and here's why it's worth it:

  1. Accurate, up-to-date assessment: A real estate professional will physically inspect your property, taking into account recent improvements and the current condition of your home.

  2. Local market expertise: Real estate agents have in-depth knowledge of your specific neighborhood and recent comparable sales that may not be reflected in public data.

  3. Consideration of unique features: An expert can properly value special attributes of your home that automated systems might miss.

  4. Realistic pricing strategy: A professional can help you set a competitive price based on current market conditions and your specific selling goals.

  5. Negotiation advantage: An accurate valuation gives you a solid foundation for negotiations, whether you're buying or selling.

While Zestimates can provide a rough starting point, they should never be the sole basis for making important financial decisions about your home. The stakes are simply too high. Instead, get a professional valuation from a local real estate expert. Their insights, combined with their understanding of the current market, will give you a far more accurate picture of your home's true value—and that's information you can bank on.

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